Sunday Smoothie: Spinach Pear Banana Celery

Until now I only made fruit smoothies, so I thought it is time to make a green smoothie for Sunday Smoothie, a Spinach Pear Banana Celery Smoothie. Green Smoothies have beside fruit also vegetables. So Green smoothies can give you even more vitamines, fibers and minerals. I also did a search on the internet for a couple of blenders. Read further for the recipe and the blenders.

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Sunday Smoothie Spinach Banana Mango Coconutmilk

Until now I only made fruit smoothies, so I thought it is time to make a green smoothie for Sunday Smoothie. Green Smoothies have beside fruit also vegetables. So Green smoothies can give you even more vitamines, fibers and minerals. I also did a search on the internet for a couple of blenders. Read further for the recipe and the blenders.

Continue reading “Sunday Smoothie Spinach Banana Mango Coconutmilk”