Today is my birthday, my 42nd birthday! I don’t have much time today to celebrate this day, because I’m studying for my (hopefully) last exam. But today is also the day that I wanted to start this Blog. The last couple of years I had only a little time to do creative things like painting, DIY Projects, cooking, Photography etc. I started a Master study on Nyenrode in the beginning of 2012, a couple of months after that I found out that I was pregnant of our little boy Larsman, who was born at the beginning of 2013. After some time back to study and no time for all those creative things that I love so much.
But now the end of my study is near, only a Master Thesis after this last exam, hmm hahaha and I think that I will have some time left? I do, because I decided to put the Master Thesis on hold, until September 2015. So I’ll have much more time to be creative.
With this blog I will keep you posted with alle the nice things that I will make, all the cooking and Food photos to make about that cooking. Maybe even making some Jewelry or some artwork again. You will see it soon…..(But for now back to study).

p.s. The site is not completely finished yet, but I will work on that in the next weeks. So come back for the updates, or you can follow me on my Instagram or Facebook page CakesandPumps or on the other social media (see the icons on the right).
With Love Claudia