White asparagus. They call them the white gold, since the taste is so good. In reality you like them a lot or you don’t like them at all. There doesn’t seem to be a way in between.
I like them a lot and luckily M. too. And when the season starts, we eat these vegetables at least one time in a week.
In Holland we can buy the green ones the whole year, but the white ones (the real dutch ones) are only in the stores or at the farms from the end of March to the beginning of June.

Last week I was in a restaurant and ordered the white ones. They called it Asparagus Belgium style. I don’t know if it’s really called that way.
You can also make the recipe with sauce. Traditionally butter sauce is used, but I also like it with pepper sauce. The only thing is that you turn this recipe in a real calory bomb, and not so healthy recipe. While without the sauce this vegetable is very healthy and low in calories.

Some people don’t like the peeling of the white asparagus. You can also buy already peeled ones, but I think the asparagus is becoming brown very fast, so they have to do something to the already peeled vegetables to keep it white. I don’t know if that’s really true, but if it it, then it doesn’t sound very healthy to me. So I just peel them myself with a peeler from Brabantia.

You have a lot of other different other recipes for white asparagus, and every year I say to myself that I’m going to try another one, haha but I never do since the season is over so quickly. And this recipe is so easy to make…. .

The Recipe:

White asparagus with eggs, ham and potatoes
- 500 gram White Asparagus
- 4 eggs
- 100 gram of roasted Ham in slices
- Potatoes to your own taste for 2 persons
- Cook the potatoes. You can also eat this with mashed potatoes, so cook the potatoes as long as you think is necessary.
- Peel the white asparagus with a peeler. You can cook the vegetable in a special asparagus pan, in which the asparagus stand up. I mostly use my steam oven, the taste of the asparagus is much better. But since not everyone has a steam oven the option of a asparagus pan is next best;-).
- Cook the 4 eggs until they are hard boiled.
- Cut the ham into small pieces.
- Cut the hard-boiled eggs into small pieces. I mostly use an egg cutter. Cut them once and then turn the egg and cut it again. Then a little bit smashing with a fork in a bowl into smaller pieces.
- Put the Asparagus on the plate and then the eggs, ham and (mashed) potatoes around it.
- You can eat the vegetable with butter sauce or pepper sauce. But then this dinner becomes a calorie bomb again. So I mostly don’t make sauce.
Greetz Claudia
Edit: This is a post from my old Blog Photos for foodies. I quit with this Blog, but it didn’t feel good to lose all the recipes, that’s why I copied all the posts to Cakes and Pumps and later to Goodlives. This post is written in 2015 by myself.