For this new serie I made five pictures with the subject Easter. In this new serie I will show you 5 different pictures of a chosen subject. just for fun, because I love to make pictures. The first picture that you see here below, is made with small eggs. It took me more time to make this image than I thought before I started this little project, but I’m happy with the results.

For the next image, I bought a couple of fake eggs at the Hema. The instruction said I had to break the top of the egg with a spoon. haha not, in reality I could have better used an axe to top it;-). Now wait for a month to see the plant grow out of these easter eggs.

In my living room I have a nice metal Moroccan plate. I have this plate for almost ten years, but I just started to use it for decoration since this summer. It’s nice to showcase small things, together all these small things make a big decoration. So upgraded to easter time now.

My last two pictures are just easter pictures with nice little eggs.

Greetz Claudia