Oatmeal cookies with cheese and basil

A couple of weeks ago Larsman had chicken-pox. One of the tips they gave us was to put him in a bath with oatmeal. We did that trick, but only once. So we had a lot of oatmeal left. The monday after the bath I came home and M. surprised me with oatmeal cookies. He found a recipe on the internet with banana in it. The cookies tasted really nice, the only thing was that they were not crispy.
A week after M. baked the cookies I saw on Instagram that Pauline from uitpaulineskeuken baked these nice oatmeal cookies with cheese. So I asked here if her cookies are crispy, and she said yes, they are. Time to try the recipe,

Yesterday evening I had to do some groceries for dinner and decided to try the oatmeal cookies from Pauline. I bought the old cheese, coconut oil to bake with (I never used that before) and thyme. I bought the dried thyme in a pot.
When I came home and started with the dough, I decided not to use thyme, but go for dried basil. I use basil a lot, and I wanted to give the cookies my own twist.
I also like spicy food, so decided to put black pepper in it.

In Paulines recipe, she says that you can put the coconut oil in without warming it, because when knead the dough the coconut oil will melt by the heat of your hands.
But I think my hands were to cold, all the ingredients blended nice with each other, except for the coconut oil. So I had to squeeze the coconut to little small pieces and mix it again through the dough. The next time I will heat the coconut oil a little bit.

The cookies were ready after baking 12 minutes in the oven and they tasted delicious. Larsman loved them too, just like M. who eat almost all what was left (haha only half of the cookies;-).
I like these oatmeal cookies, I think I will try some sweet ones too soon. They are healthy and according to Pauline they are Food Hourglass proof. I’m not (yet) into the Food Hourglass book, but I guess she is.

The Recipe:

Oatmeal cookies with cheese and basil

Recipe for 12 cookies made of oatmeal, grated cheese, basil and pepper. Base recipe from uitpaulineskeuken.nl
Servings 12


  • Oven


  • 75 gram biological Oatmeal
  • 75 gram grated old cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 25 gram Coconut oil biological, odorless
  • 1 tsp Basil dry, out of a pot
  • Salt to your own taste
  • Black Pepper to your own taste
  • Baking paper


  • Heat de oven to 180 degrees Celsius.
  • Put the oatmeal, the grated old cheese, the basil and the egg in a bowl.
  • Put the coconut oil in little pieces into the bowl or heat the coconut oil a little bit, for example in a cooking pot. Be careful not to heat it too much otherwise you will burn your hands when mixing the ingredients. And use a little more coconut oil then, because there will always stay a little bit behind in the pot.
  • Put Salt and Pepper to your own taste. I put a little bit more pepper in it, because I like spicy food;-).
  • Mix all the ingredients by hand till you have a nice dough. Make 12 little balls of it and put the 12 balls on baking paper on a griddle. Push the balls carefully down until you have the form of a cookie.
  • Bake the cookies in 12 minutes in the oven on the baking paper.
  • Get the cookies out of the oven and let them cool down on a roaster. I always get the cookies out of the oven with a cheese slicer, you have a good grip to get them of the baking paper.

Greetz Claudia

My Socials Cakesandpumps

Edit: This is a post from my old Blog Photos for foodies. I quit with this Blog, but it didn’t feel good to lose all the recipes, that’s why I copied all the posts to Cakes and Pumps and later to Goodlives. This post is written in 2015 by myself.

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