Cocktail Friday: a White Russian

This week I have been painting in the house a lot, so not much posting on Cakes and Pumps. But I didn’t want to let the Cocktail Friday go, so picked this nice little cocktail called white Russian. I already did a cocktail with Wodka (the Cosmopolitan), so I don’t have to buy a new liquor to make this cocktail. And I drink the Kahlua also pure, so the bottle was in the pocket too;-). Piece of cake then this cocktail;-) See more about the White Russian.

Where do we know this White Russian drink from? On the internet I found that the White Russian was the “Dude Drink” of Jeff Bridges in the Big Lebowski. He enjoys bowling and drinks this White Russian drinks, fur the rest is doesn’t do anything else. I didn’t see that movie, but it sounds a little bit boring, if that’s all you do in life. haha maybe he can come over helping me paint the house in the little free time I have;-). But after drinking this cocktail I have to admit, this cocktail tastes great! Specially if you like the coffee liquors, then this is your drink.

The white Russian is a derivative of the Black Russian, which was first created in 1949, with Vodka, Coffee Liquor and Ice cubes. The white Russian is made the same, but the difference is that you put some milk or cream into the cocktail. I found it difficult to keep the layers equal, even while I was pooring in the milk very slowly. I also tried it with only cream, but that gave the same result. If you serve this cocktail don’t stir it. Leave it up to your guest if they want to drink it stirred or pure! If you stir it, it looks a little bit like this:

And I didn’t even stirred it so much. Just try this cocktail and tell me what you tink of it. In the meantime have a Nice Weekend!

Edit: This is a post from my old Blog Photos for foodies. I quit with this Blog, but it didn’t feel good to lose all the recipes, that’s why I copied all the posts to Cakes and Pumps and later to Goodlives. This post is written in 2015 by myself.

The Recipe:

Cocktail Friday: a White Russian

White Russian, the Dude drink from the movie The Big Lebowski for Cocktail Friday. With Vodka, Kahlua or Tia Maria and milk or cream.
Servings 1


  • 40-50 ml Vodka
  • 40-50 ml Kahlua or Tia Maria
  • 50 ml Whole milk or cream
  • Ice cubes
  • Mint for decoration


  • Put the icecubes in a glass, around 4 or 5 icecubes.
  • Then put first the Kahlua in the glass and after that the Vodka.
  • After the liquors are in the glass, poor the milk or cream slowly onto the liquor.
  • For decoration you can use some mint.

Greetz Claudia

My Socials Cakesandpumps

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