DIY: Copper colored mason jars and weck jars

Mason jars three sizes, DIY on

Last year I wrote for my Blog Cakesandpumps already a post about this nice DIY to paint spray Mason Jars or Weck pots and to use them as pots for pencils and other office stuff. Or for cooking stuff. in the mean time my atelier is a little bit more finished and I could definitely use some new pots for my pencils and scissors. I like it a lot, since my desk is always full with stuff like pencils and markers that I should really put into a jar or something. So to keep it a little bit more clean I could really use this to clean my desk a little bit. Haha does that sound familiar to you too, then you should try this DIY. It’s an easy thing to do, the waiting for the paint to dry takes much more time than the DIY itself.

Mason jars three sizes, DIY on

First I bought a Mason Jar, I bought one at Trekpleister (local farmacie store), but you can buy them everywhere these days. But the mason jar seems a little bit small to me for my markers, so I decided to buy two weck jars at de Boerenbond (shop in Holland). But I think you can buy them everywhere these days.
The next thing was to find the paint spray in my village. I know, I could have bought it through the internet, but I want to paint it now and not wait a couple of days;-). So I found this paint spray form Flexa,
Copper red Metallic spray.
I wished it was a little bit more shiny, but unfortunately it wasn’t. Then I changed into some old clothes. I didn’t know what to expect, because I never used a painting spray before. But when I started I was glad that I was wearing these old clothes;-)

Mason jar spray painted. DIY on

So what do you need:

  • Maison jars, weck jars or other jars you like
  • Paint spray in the color you want
  • Old newspapers or other paper to cover your table
  • Old clothes
Mason jars without paint, DIY on
Weck pots and Mason jar diy on

I did this outside, the weather was good, so I could leave the jars outside for the 24 hours drying time.

Step 1: First I put a lot of newspapers on the table that I wanted to use. And I put a lot of other things on the corners of the newspapers, so they wouldn’t come up if the wind was blowing.
Step 2: I removed the lids and put them upside down. Clean the jars before you start spraying. Look at your paint spray what’s best for your spray for cleaning the jars.
Step 3: Then I started spraying. You really need to keep some distance (at least 25 cm’s) and you have to spray only a little bit, otherwise it will drip down your jar and make your jar ugly. I had one jar that didn’t do so well, but in the end you don’t see so much of it, so I can still use it.en hoor, maar als je goed kijkt zie je wel wat lelijke plekken.
Painting mason jars DIY on
Step 4: Then you have to let the jars dry a little bit (on the flexa spray it says 10 minutes), and then you spray some more. You repeat this until you think your jars look good. Then leave them for around 24 hours to try good.

So the next day they are finished and you can use them for your desk for pencils, rulers and other stuff. Enjoy!

Painted jars outside, DIY on
Painting mason jars and weck jars on
Mason jar big. DIY one
Mason jars a little bit smaller. DIY on
Weck jars painted, DIY on

 kisses Claudia

The original idea is from the Blog Chapter Friday

My Socials Goodlives

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