My Top 5 Songs #1

There is so much different music that I like. But sometimes I hear some songs on the radio that stay in my head. This is mostly when I’m driving my car and listening to Slamfm or Radio538. One of these song is Major Lazor & DJSnake with Lean on. (Click on the title to read to complete Blog)..

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One year a non-smoker

So happy, today is the day I haven’t smoked for 1 year. On 22 April 2014 23.30 I smoked my last cigarette. All the non-smokers who never smoked, probably think why is that so special. But out of my own experience I know by now that one time a smoker you will always stay a smoker. At least someone who is easily becoming a smoker again.
I was a non-smoker for ten years when I was 23, and at 33 I started smoking again. Stupid hey. But I just did, only because I was on a vacation in Kenya and Tanzania and I thought after 10 years it wouldn’t matter anymore. But it did.

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Yellow en white striped Spring shoes

This weekend my new shoes arrived. As some of you know, I’m really a shoe addict. Haha just like a lot of other women in this world. I think with all my pumps, flip-flops, sneakers, heels, boots and other kind of shoes, I’m at least over 100 pair (haha I will not tell you exactly how much otherwise M. will go crazy;-)).
100 pair sounds like a lot, but it’s not making me the Imelda Marcos of Holland, who had more then 4.000 pair of shoes. I’m also very selective in what kind of style I buy, so I don’t have 4 pair of black pumps in my closet, but diverse in colors and style. Next to that, I buy good ones, which can be used for many years and are good for my feet. The nice thing about having so many shoes is that you can keep them quit neat because I don’t wear them all the time.

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My paintings from the past

In 2012 en 2013 I painted a few paintings, after years of doing nothing. A couple of paintings were hanging on the wall, waiting to be finished. It all started when I wanted to make a painting for the babyroom. One year before I had an idea to make a fantasy dragon for in our hall. I designed it, started painting with blue, but then I changed my mind about the color of our hallway. My original idea was to paint the hallway pink, which wasn’t exactly M.’s favourite color. So finally I changed my mind and painted the walls in Bluegrey . The only problem was that the painting I was working on, wouldn’t fit into that new color scheme, so the painting moved unfinished to the attic. But when I found out that I was pregnant with a boy, it all made sense and I finished the painting.

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42nd Birthday today and start of Cakes and Pumps

Today is my birthday, my 42nd birthday! I don’t have much time today to celebrate this day, because I’m studying for my (hopefully) last exam. But today is also the day that I wanted to start this Blog. The last couple of years I had only a little time to do creative things like painting, DIY Projects, cooking, Photography etc. I started a Master study on Nyenrode in the beginning of 2012, a couple of months after that I found out that I was pregnant of our little boy Larsman, who was born at the beginning of 2013. After some time back to study and no time for all those creative things that I love so much.
But now the end of my study is near, only a Master Thesis after this last exam, hmm hahaha and I think that I will have some time left? I do, because I decided to put the Master Thesis on hold, until September 2015. So I’ll have much more time to be creative.
With this blog I will keep you posted with alle the nice things that I will make, all the cooking and Food photos to make about that cooking. Maybe even making some Jewelry or some artwork again. You will see it soon…..(But for now back to study).

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