Black and white blanket to knit, DIY

Plaid over office chair, free pattern on

Knitting and crocheting a blanket, but also making it from fabrics, I Love it! I have no idea what I will do with al the plaids that I make, but for now they are fun to use in my photos. And they look cosy in the house and they can of course keep us warm on cold days. This Black and white blanket was in my head for some time. So a couple of months ago I started this project. But as usual I started a new one when I was halfway and after that another one. And I was already working on two others…. So finally I decided that could only start with a new one, after I finish one from the todo list. By the way it’s not that I never work on a partly finished plaid. I try to knit or crochet some rows of all the plaids every week, except when it’s too hot. Then I skip the winter plaids. So because I wanted to start with a new summer plaid with cotton, I had to work hard the past few weeks to finish this Black and White one;-) Do you also want to make this Black and White plaid? Read further to read How to do it.

Plaid over office chair, free pattern on

This black and white blanket has a size of about 150 x 200 cm and is made of very simple acrylic wool from Zeeman. The wool is called Royal wool and exists of 100% Acrylic. The wool is 100 gr and 241 meter per ball of wool. The price is only 0,99 per ball, so super cheap.
Balls of wool for the black and white plaid, DIY on
I used 8 balls of white and 8 balls of black for the plaid. From these I have two half balls of white and two half balls of black left. And now you think he, why two half balls of each color left??? I knitted the blanket with two yarns at the same time, so that’s why.

Plaid over kitchen chair, free pattern on

The description
– Cast on a 10 mm circular needle 140 stitches.
– Knit 6 needles with double black yarn in Garter stitch. The Garter stitch is the most easy stitch to knit. You can make the garter stitch by knitting every row. When you are finished with the 6 rows, you see the horizontal ridges formed by the tops of the knitted loops. Look here for some explanation or here for a Youtube video.
– For the next 21 rows, you knit 6 stitches in Garter stitch, 128 stitches in Stocking stitch (one side of your work is in knit stitch, the other side of your work is in purl stitch, see here) and you’re ending the row with 6 Garter stitches. This is the pattern that you repeat the whole blanket, except for the last 6 rows of the blanket.
– After the total 27 rows, you change from black to white. Also with two yarns. And you knit the same pattern as above, but then without the 6 garter Stitch rows. You knit 27 needles with 6 st. Garter stitch, 128 st. of Stocking stitch and you end the needle with 6 st. of Garter stitch. After that you change back to black.
Detail black and white plaid, free pattern on
– The change of color is all the time after the rows 27, row 54, row 81, row 108, row 135, row 162, row 189, row 216 and row 243, so you get 10 blocks with a height of about 20 cm.
– In the last block (you’re knitting with white), you only knit 21 rows in the pattern. The last 6 rows are made with the Garter Stitch.
– Now the knitting is finished, so Cast off and get rid of the little yarns that are left after changing to another color or to another ball of wool. I always use an embroidery needle, but maybe that can be done better. How are you doing this?

Black and white plaid over Gispen chair, free pattern on
Black and white blanket over couch, free pattern on

This is the third blanket that I finished this year. A couple more ones are coming later on the blog, they are finished knitting, but still a lot of loose ends to get rid off. Which is not my favourite thing to do;-)
The ones that I made till now:
The plaids that I made until July 2016, free patterns on
You can find the other plaids here:
1. The multiple color plaid
2. Cream colored crocheted blanket


 kisses Claudia

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