Cocktail Friday: an Orange Plantation

Weekend and time for Cocktail Friday!
Since it’s almost Kingsday here in Holland (Monday 27th of April), I wanted to mix an orange cocktail this time. With a little search in one of my Mix books, I found an Orange Plantation. Wednesday all the bottles for this Cocktail Friday came in and yesterday we pre-tested the cocktail.
I expected the Dry Orange to be a little more orange, so a little bit disappointed, since I wanted to make an orange one and it looks a little bit more brownish now.

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Sunday Smoothie: Mango Banana Smoothie

Sunday morning is a good day to drink some smoothies. I’m not such a fruit eater. It’s not that I don’t like fruit, but most of the time I just forget to eat it. I always buy our fruit at the supermarket, M. Loves fruit and also Larsman seems to have the genes of his father. They both love mango’s a lot. So for today a Mango Banana smoothie.

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Cocktail Friday: a Mojito

Cocktail Friday with a Mojito is a good start of the weekend. When I was in my twenties I used to drink Rum-cola’s (or Cuba Libres if you prefer that name) if I drunk a cocktail. A Mojito wasn’t popular at all in Holland. I don’t know exactly when I drunk this cocktail for the first time, I think somewhere in 2009 just before we went for a vacation to Brasil, the land of the Caiparinha’s. Rum is one of my favorite mixing drinks, so the Mojito easily became one of the more often made or ordered cocktails.

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Focaccia Bread, homemade with rosemary, olive oil and sea salt

I love to bake my own bread. Despite the hype these days not to eat (too much) bread, I’m going to try to bake a new bread every week. I love eating bread! I mostly eat kellogg Special K with pure Chocolate every day, but that’s mostly because I’m lazy in the morning and for lunch, specially when I have to go to work. Baking my own bread is time consuming and that’s something I don’t have on work days. Baking a bread like this delicious Focaccia bread, is taking up to at least 3 hours before you can really eat it. It’s not that you have to sit next to the bread all the time, but you have to stay close to do some work now and then;-).

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Cocktail Friday: a Hugo cocktail

Yoehoe, it’s weekend. Time for the first cocktail that I move from Photos for Foodies to’s Cocktail Friday. I wrote this post with the summer in my mind and I made this nice Hugo cocktail.But who cares, this cocktail is also great in autumn or winter
You can buy a Hugo cocktail in bottles. Some of them are ok, but nothing beats a nice homemade cocktail.
For the kind of Hugo cocktail that I like, you need Prosecco, Sodawater, Elder Flower Liquor and Martini Bianco. Most people don’t make the Hugo with Martini, but it gives a nice flavor, so just try it!

The sizes of the ingredients in the recipes are in parts. When I make this cocktail, I use a water jug to fill instead of a glass. That’s much easier, then making it immediately in a glass, specially since most of the time we drink more than one glass;-)

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Cupcakes for being a non-smoker for one year

These days it’s almost 2,5 year since I quit smoking. I wrote this post in the first place for Photos for foodies. But I decided to quit my blog Photos for Foodies, because it’s too much work to write for three blogs. It does’t feel right for me if all my blogpost from Photos for foodies will be lost, so I decided to move all the posts to Cakes and Pumps. This is the first post that I move, and happily I’m still a non-smoker. I’m really happy with that, You can read my quit story that I wrote on this blog here
For Photos for foodies I made cupcakes for my colleagues and I want to show you those cupcakes that I made, to celebrate this one-year-non-smoking with my colleagues.
At Bailey lights I have a lot of colleagues who are crazy about food. So next to the talking about lamps, the second important talking is about food.

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Sunday Smoothie: Mango Coconut Milk with lemon

The habit of making smoothies every Sunday, for 8 weeks now, feels very good. Last couple of weeks we had a lot of social events like dinners and parties on saturdays. And most of the time we say to each other that we will go home early and don’t drink too much;-). Mostly with the drinks we are doing fine, at least one of us has to drive home, and the other one doesn’t want to be a total wreck the next day. Haha but specially the late nights are a real killjoy on Sunday. So drinking Smoothies makes me feel better and more healthy and makes me forget my low energy levels. And if the smoothies are so nice as today’s Sunday Smoothie, Yummie. Read further about this Mango Coconut milk smoothie.

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Sunday Smoothie: Strawberry Rhubarb

We had a great weekend, on Friday and Saturday night we went to a festival called “Parkfeest Oosterhout”. Most artists on the festival are Dutch. Friday night was with cover bands and as closing act a couple of Dj’s with a 80’s – 90’s program. Yesterday was with Di-rect and Raccoon.You see them on every festival in Holland during summer, but who cares. Music isn’t the most important thing of the festival for me. With this “parkfeest” you always bump into old friends or people you haven’t seen for a while. The other side of a weekend like this is, that most of the time we don’t sleep enough,so every day we come too late out of bed. Not so good on Sunday Smoothie, where I mostly want to write a post for and another one for cakesandpumps. But I did it, only it’s a little late for the morning smoothie;-) haha you can try this Strawberry Rhubarb Smoothie on another day then if you want. Read more for the recipe.

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Sunday Smoothie: Spinach Avocado Banana Smoothie

I could really use a good smoothie this morning. We went out for dinner last night with good friends. We went to a Japanese-all-you-can-eat-concept restaurant, called Asuka. The concept is simple and you always eat too much (oeps in this way I will never loose that extra kg which is still there from Ibiza;-). But the food is fine. I ate some Sushi, Sashimi and a lot of beef and chicken. The concept is nice because all 4 of us ordered what we like and we shared the different food with each other.
As usual we said to each other that we won’t make it too late this evening. Haha well like all the other times it didn’t work, because after leaving the restaurant, the first thing M. said was: some more drinks in another bar? haha off course we did. So too late in bed, a little bit too much alcohol and you could definitely use this Spinach Avocado banana Smoothie. Read more about te recipe.

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Sunday Smoothie Spinach Banana Mango Coconutmilk

Until now I only made fruit smoothies, so I thought it is time to make a green smoothie for Sunday Smoothie. Green Smoothies have beside fruit also vegetables. So Green smoothies can give you even more vitamines, fibers and minerals. I also did a search on the internet for a couple of blenders. Read further for the recipe and the blenders.

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