Sunday Smoothie: Mango Pineapple Strawberry

I could really use a good smoothie this morning. We went out for dinner last night with good friends. We went to a Japanese-all-you-can-eat-concept restaurant, called Asuka. The concept is simple and you always eat too much (oeps in this way I will never loose that extra kg which is still there from Ibiza;-). But the food is fine. I ate some Sushi, Sashimi and a lot of beef and chicken. The concept is nice because all 4 of us ordered what we like and we shared the different food with each other.
As usual we said to each other that we won’t make it too late this evening. Haha well like all the other times it didn’t work, because after leaving the restaurant, the first thing M. said was: some more drinks in another bar? haha off course we did. So too late in bed, a little bit too much alcohol and you could definitely use this Mango Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie. Read more about te recipe.

Too late out of bed, I’m working on this green smoothie. See me here, together with our dog Bruno, who is keeping an eye on falling food;-)

With this fruit smoothie I used Mango Pineapple Strawberry and fresh Orange Juice. To be honest I was a little bit on a timetable and busy with all kind of things, so M. helped me out by cutting all the fruit for this smoothie, which is a little bit more work with pineapple and mango than with other fruits. M. is our fruit man in the house and specially Mango is what he likes most. The same goes for Larsman. It must be in the genes I guess;-). Well just try the recipe for yourself. I’m back into the kitchen too cook a little bit for our guests who can arrive any minute now.
Enjoy your Whitsunday!

The Recipe:

Sunday Smoothie: Mango Pineapple Strawberry

Mango Pineapple strawberry make a great Sunday Smoothie. I mixed it with freshly made orange juice
Servings 2


  • Blender


  • 1 Mango Fresh or Frozen
  • 250 gram Pineapple Fresh or Frozen
  • 250 gram Strawberries
  • 2 dl Orange Juice


  • Peel the Pineapple and the Mango and cut the green of the strawberry.
  • Cut the Mango and the Pineapple in smaller pieces.
  • Mix the pieces of the Mango and the Pineapple with the strawberries and the Orange juice in the Blender.
  • Put the mix into a glass and decorate the glass with a piece of pineapple.
  • Put the mix into a glass and decorate the glass with a piece of pineapple.
  • The Mango Pineapple Strawberry Smoothie is finished!

Greetz Claudia

My Socials Cakesandpumps

Edit: This is a post from my old Blog Photos for foodies. I quit with this Blog, but it didn’t feel good to lose all the recipes, that’s why I copied all the posts to Cakes and Pumps and later to Goodlives. This post is written in 2015 by myself.

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