Cocktail Friday: a Strawberry Daiquiri

When we are talking about the Cocktail Friday at work, one of my colleagues always tells me that she drunk some Strawberry daiquiris on a vacation in Mexico. She really liked it a lot. So I thought I should really try this Strawberry Daiquiri for this Cocktail Friday.

My Colleague didn’t knew with what boost this cocktail is made, but a quick search on the internet told me that you make this cocktail with Rum. Yessssss, my favorite mix drink. And with strawberries, that I do like a lot too. hahaha I’m wondering right now why I didn’t make this cocktail earlier, because it sounds like a great drink;-). And I can tell you it didn’t only sound like a great drink, but it tastes great too!!!

Like always, I want to know a little bit more about the history of this weeks cocktail.
The Strawberry Daiquiri is a variation of the normal Daiquiri. A Daiquiri is said to be first invented around 1900 in Cuba by a group of American mine Engineers. Later an Admiral named Johnson introduced it into it’s club and that was the start for spreading the Daiquiri cocktail around the world. Around 1940 Whisky and Wodka were difficult to obtain in America, but Rum was easy to find, so more people started drinking rum drinks like Daiquiri’s.
After that the Cuban Constante Ribailagua of El Fluoridate Bar in Havana, Cuba, made the Frozen Daiquiri famous. And I guess that’s where also the Strawberry Daiquiri was born.

A Strawberry Daiquiri is easy to make with White Rum, Strawberrries, ice-cubes, Sugar sirop or sugar water and fresh lemons. For this cocktail you need a blender and crushed ice. Since my blender has some trouble to crush the ice, and I’m making a cocktail every week, I bought an Ice crusher this week. The Leopold Vienna. You put the ice cubes  from above into the ice crusher and then you have to crush the ice by turning the handle. The crushed ice falls into the small bucket, which you can remove when you’re finished.

Very happy with my new toy for the Cocktail Friday;-)

The Recipe:

Cocktail Friday: a Strawberry Daiquiri

On the advice of a colleague I tried a Strawberry Daiquiri for Cocktail Friday. Nice with my favorite mix drink Rum and Strawberries.
Servings 1


  • Ice crusher


  • 60 ml Rum
  • 30 ml Sugar syrup or 30 ml water with 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • Lemon Juice a half lemon
  • 5 Strawberries cleaned
  • 5 crushed Ice-cubes
  • Strawberry for decoration


  • Crush the ice-cubes and put the crushed ice-cubes into a shaker.
  • Put the strawberries, the rum, the lemon juice and the Sugar syrup in the blender and blender it into a smooth mix.
  • Poor de strawberry and rum mix also into the shaker, and shake it all a bit.
  • Put the mix into the glass and use a strawberry for decoration.
  • Your cocktail is finished, Enjoy!

Greetz Claudia

Edit: This is a post from my old Blog Photos for foodies. I quit with this Blog, but it didn’t feel good to lose all the recipes, that’s why I copied all the posts to Cakes and Pumps and later to Goodlives. This post is written in 2015 by myself.

My Socials Cakesandpumps

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